Services Provided by the Unit
Management Information Systems
This department is specialized at the following;
Creating apps on Students Affairs
Control and announcement of results
Postgraduate Studies and Cultural Relations
Faculty Members Affairs
Personnel Affairs (Farouq System)
University Hostel
Quality Management and Questionnaire (Al-Farabi System)
Certificates Authentication
Online portal services
This department is specialized at the following;
- Updating the data on the Arabic and English website of the faculty
- Uploading faculty news periodically
- Uploading all documents related to the faculty (faculty councils - committees emanating from the faculty council - ........)
- Activating E-mail service for faculty members to solve any e-mail problem
- Creating Website service for faculty members
- Downloading everything related to students (academic schedules - exam schedules - student results - summer training dates - student participation projects .......)
- Announcing academic courses
- Providing Digital library services
- Registering faculty members in the faculty on EZ-proxy
- Training the faculty members and students on how to use the information sources in the digital library
- Following up and updating the accounts of the beneficiaries of the digital library
- Checking databases periodically and ensuring the continuity of service in the faculty and reporting any malfunctions
to the Digital Library Unit of the Supreme Council of Universities
- Cooperating and coordinating with the Department of Postgraduate Studies in the faculty to receive the letter plans after its registration and approval and submit that to the director of
the digital library unit at the university
Training Project Services
This department is specialized at the following;
- Training faculty members and support staff on the basic, advanced and specialized training track.
- Training university employees on the basic and advanced tracks.
- Training employees on the other systems, each according to his management information systems
E-Learning Project Services
This department is specialized at the following;
- Holding workshops for faculty members to learn the way to produce and activate an electronic course
- Training students on how to use an electronic course
Information Network Services
This department is specialized at the following;
- Repairing network faults through the network technician in the portal
- Making an inventory of computers and the new points that are required to be connected to the Internet in the faculty
- Making maintenance cards for computers and continuous follow-up to solve any malfunctions